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I think I'm going to have to reserve the right of veto on that. As long as it's a real costume, that should be okay. But I'm not going to go around town in a loincloth, you know." Hey, you want us to dress up to fulfill your own perverted desires, we get to dress you up in turn." Yeah, but I'm not asking for bikinis or anything. Hmmm ... bikinis..." I faded out for a second, thinking about our pool and hot tub fun, til Kara lightly punched me in the shoulder. "Okay, okay, no bikinis." And we'll be similarly considerate for you." Just remember, it has to be something I'd be willing to go out in public in, all right?"Rei had been listening quietly all along and now quietly asked, "What would be a good costume for me?"I stood back, fingers on my chin, and look at her for a few seconds. "You know, Rei, with your short haircut, you could pull off a wide range of costumes. You could be Sailor Mercury or a sexy soldier or a French maid or ... well, there are a lot of good possibilities.. “Finger fuck that pussy,” Lori said in a low, sultry voice. “God, you look so hot doing that, Lexie.”Lexie pushed three fingers in and began to rock against her own hand. Lori walked over, kneeled by the chair, and took one of Lexie’s nipples into her mouth. She sucked on it while Lexie added a fourth finger, which made her cum hard and fast.“Fuck! Oh, my God! That felt so good!” Lexie cried out.“You’re a tease, Alexandria,” Lori cooed. “But I know you are going to please me, aren’t you, my horny little slut?”“Yes, Mistress, I will please you however you wish,” Lexie said, falling right back into her submissive role.“Let’s go in the bedroom and you can show me how much you appreciate being allowed to cum without having to ask,” Lori said.They got onto Lori’s bed, and Lexie made quick work using her fingers and tongue on Lori’s wet pussy.“You’re dripping, Mistress. You must have enjoyed my little show. I guarantee you're going to like the next part, too. I’m gonna return the favor and.
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